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Labor and Employment

“Leave” It to the Employer: American Rescue Plan Act Provides Covered Employers with Option to Continue Employee Paid Leave under FFCRA, with Certain Changes

On March 11, 2021, Congress passed the American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”), the third piece of legislation providing comprehensive relief to Americans for COVID-19 related issues. For covered employers that elect to continue providing COVID-19 related paid leave, ARPA extends and expands certain paid…

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How to Identify and Curb Employee Abuse of Emergency Paid Sick Leave and Expanded Family Medical Leave and Still Comply With the FFRCA

Employers have spent much of 2020 figuring out how to administer and comply with the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”) and its two leave provisions: Emergency Paid Sick Leave (“EPSL”) and Expanded Family Medical Leave (“EFML”). In the midst of all of these changes, employers likely…

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What’s on Biden’s Wish List for Employment Reform?

Joe Biden campaigned on worker-friendly reforms, many of which require legislative action and Senate cooperation. But even if the Georgia runoffs leave Republicans in control of the Senate, the Biden Administration can unilaterally and dramatically impact employment policy through executive…

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Rock, Meet Hard Place: Reflections from 2020 on Compliance Risks Surrounding Workplace Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives

“Daddy changed the world!” – Gianna Floyd, daughter of George Floyd

This year has been a study in contrasts in so many aspects of life, including with respect to diversity, equity and inclusion (“DEI”) initiatives within the workplace. By any measure, the community conversation surrounding racial…

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