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Health Care

Don't Be Complacent, Be Compliant - CMS and OIG Online Sources Continue to Provide Important Compliance and COVID-19 Updates

Health care and its many statutory, regulatory, and industry “yardsticks” are ever-changing and require regular attention.  In order to stay close to the action, particularly with respect to matters concerning corporate compliance, there are at least three online sources to consider.  The first is…

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When It Rains, It Pours - Nursing Facilities to Face Imminent Survey Activity, Enhanced Enforcement Actions, and Staff Testing Requirements as a Result of COVID-19

Nursing facilities have undoubtedly encountered unique challenges during the ongoing COVID-19 public health crisis.  In an effort to protect the vulnerable population receiving care in these facilities, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) issued guidance on June 1, 2020 announcing…

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Governor Holcomb Issues Additional Licensure Waivers to Increase Health Providers Available to Address COVID-19

On April 17, 2020, Governor Holcomb issued Executive Order 20-19 to expand the health care provider workforce available to battle Indiana’s COVID-19 spread. Specifically, the Executive Order expands the list of providers eligible to prescribe orders for home health services and authorizes certain…

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